Spike Carlsen Book Launch

On today’s date (March 24th) in 1857, John O’Brien’s sister, Rose, was born.  She had an interesting life which I will blog about at some point in the future as a current event is more timely:

Stillwater is home to many writers and one of our neighbors here at the Rivertown Inn is author Spike Carlsen.   Spike is an editor, author, carpenter and woodworker, who has been immersed in the world of wood and woodworking for over 30 years. He is the author of the award-winning A Splintered History of Wood: Belt Sander Races, Blind Woodworkers and Baseball Bats as well as Woodworking FAQ and Ridiculously Simple Furniture Projects. He has made appearances on the CBS Early Show, HGTV and Modern Marvels, and currently writes “The Great American Woodworker” for American Woodworker Magazine.

Spike Carlsen

He has also written for Old House Journal, Fine Homebuilding, the Minneapolis Star Tribune and many other publications. He is the former Executive Editor of Family Handyman magazine where he wrote hundreds of articles on home improvement and woodworking.  He also oversaw the creation of the Readers Digest, Complete Do-It-Yourself Manual.

Prior to becoming an editor, he worked as a carpenter for 15 years and ran his own construction/remodeling company. In addition he works with the staff and students at Bomalang’ombe Secondary School in Tanzania on many projects including establishing a tree farm.

The beginnings of the Tree Farm at Bomalang’ombe Secondary School in Tanzania

His newest book, “The Backyard Homestead Book of Building Projects” will be presented to the public at a “Book Launch” this coming Thursday, March 27th, from 7:00 to 8:00 pm at the Stillwater Public Library.  Spike will offer a presentation about the book and a demonstration of some woodworking techniques.  He will also be available to autograph his books.  In addition to this presentation, Spike will attend the Rivertown Inn Social Hour on April 5th.  This “meet and greet” with the author is only offered to Rivertown Inn guests who are staying with us that evening.

Our current blog special is a complimentary bottle of wine with your room reservation in March or April.  Simply reserve on-line at www.rivertowninn.com and enter the word BLOG as the promotional code, or call us at (651) 430-2955.  This offer can not be combined with any other promotions or discounts.

We are looking forward to seeing you very soon.

